Saturday 24 June 2023

The Wholesome Self


How one defines wholesomeness in self. Based on my experiences in life, I attempt to scribble my thoughts. We often talk about being a dreamer and constantly working towards your dream. At young age I saw my dreams were like “sky is the limit”, but as years went by dreams also started to become more practical and at my current age it is more in line with the reality of my life. A transition from ‘fantasy to reality’. I believe this happens to most bourgeois middle-class Indians. Dreaming too much, setting high expectations for self and then seeing the gap widening with reality tend to make every soul in philosophical mode. In short, your aspirations are made to rest. As a Child you dream BIG, but at a later stage in life ‘the child in you’ dreams less or stop dreaming.


Achievers in personal and work life have always been dreamers, but then they stayed focused on what they aspire for, do not entertain distractions, they try to seek and get into the company of people who believe in making their dream a reality. More to that, I believe it's a continuum with 5 equal sections. The cumulative and compounded output of these five in an individual results in wholesomeness. The famous five include Capability, Honesty, Blessings, Luck and Love.


One needs to be capable and have expertise in craft (Capable), honesty and integrity as his identity (Honesty), blessings from parents, teachers, and mentors in life (Blessings), and be able to take the mileage by being at the right place at the right time with the right mindset (Luck), together with the overwhelming love from people at large (Love) leads a self to wholesomeness.


Human minds are insatiable. In his journey, a man with his hard work, concerted efforts, life experiences, blessings, luck and love reach a blissful mindset, inner happiness and a secure state of existence, is what wholesomeness means to me. One could be a common man yet achieve wholesomeness through your deeds and thoughts, without the need to get enlightened and be mystic.

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